New PDF release: Trans-Atlantyk

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By Witold Gombrowicz,Professor Carolyn French,Nina Karsov

Witold Gombrowicz (1904-1969), novelist, essayist, and playwright, is taken into account through many to be crucial Polish author of the 20 th century. writer of 4 novels, a number of performs, and a hugely acclaimed Diary, he used to be a candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature in 1968.

Trans-Atlantyk is a semi-autobiographical, satirical novel that throws into heightened standpoint all of Gombrowicz's significant literary, philosophical, mental, and social issues. First released in Paris in 1953, it's in accordance with the author's event of being stuck in Argentina on the outbreak of worldwide struggle II. The narrator unearths himself by myself, with no friends and family, at odds with the Argentinian literary international and with Polish émigré society. during the ebook, Gombrowicz ridicules the self-centered pomposity of the Polish group in Argentina. greater than this, he explores with prophetic imaginative and prescient the trendy trouble of exile and displacement in a disintegrating world.

The shape and magnificence of Trans-Atlantyk strengthen Gombrowicz's satire. the unconventional is written within the idiom of the gaweda, a 17th- and eighteenth-century Polish oral style common of the conservative tradition of provincial the Aristocracy, that provides a jarring and infrequently hilarious distinction to the formless and expansive tradition of the trendy international. as a result of its stylistic trouble, Trans-Atlantyk is the single one in every of Gombrowicz's works that hasn't ever earlier than been translated into English. Now Carolyn French and Nina Karsov have produced a bold and unique translation, the manufactured from over ten years of attempt, that corresponds approximately in tone and diction to a seventeenth/eighteenth-century English idiom and that conveys Gombrowicz's irreverent and fierce parody of an anachronistic tradition within the 20th century.

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Trans-Atlantyk by Witold Gombrowicz,Professor Carolyn French,Nina Karsov

by William

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