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By Abubakar Siddique

so much modern journalistic and scholarly bills of the instability gripping Afghanistan and Pakistan have argued that violent Islamic extremism, together with help for the Taliban and comparable teams, is both rooted in Pashtun heritage and tradition, or unearths keen hosts between their groups on each side of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Abubakar Siddique units out to illustrate that the failure, or perhaps unwillingness, of either Afghanistan and Pakistan to soak up the Pashtuns into their country constructions and to include them into the industrial and political textile is principal to those dynamics, and a serious failure of state- and state-building in either states.

In his publication he argues that non secular extremism is the manufactured from those severe disasters and that accountability for the placement lies to some extent with the elites of either international locations. partially an eye-witness account and in part meticulously researched scholarship, The Pashtun query describes a humans whose future will form the way forward for Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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The Pashtun Question: The Unresolved Key to the Future of Pakistan and Afghanistan by Abubakar Siddique

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