Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Annexes

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Annexes: A Comprehensive Guide

The Great Lakes are an essential natural resource for North America, accounting for over 80 percent of North America’s surface freshwater. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) is an accord between the United States and Canada that was first signed in 1972. The aim of the agreement is to protect and restore the water quality of the Great Lakes. Since 1972, the agreement has been amended multiple times, with the most recent amendment taking place in 2012.

The GLWQA comprises of a multitude of annexes, each of which addresses different areas concerning the Great Lakes. These annexes outline the objectives, targets and management strategies required to protect and restore water quality in the Great Lakes. The 2012 amendment included several new annexes that address emerging issues, such as climate change and invasive species.

Here are brief descriptions of the GLWQA annexes:

Annex 1 – Areas of Concern: This annex addresses the problem areas within the Great Lakes that have been adversely impacted by pollution. The annex aims to identify these areas and create a plan for their restoration.

Annex 2 – Nutrients: This annex focuses on the increasing levels of nutrients in the Great Lakes. Excessive amounts of nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, contribute to the growth of harmful algal blooms, which can become toxic to humans and aquatic life.

Annex 3 – Chemicals of Mutual Concern: This annex addresses the concerns regarding the harmful chemicals that are present in the Great Lakes. The annex outlines measures to reduce the levels of these chemicals.

Annex 4 – Discharges from Vessels: This annex addresses the issue of pollution caused by commercial and recreational vessels. The annex outlines measures to reduce discharges from these vessels.

Annex 5 – Aquatic Invasive Species: This annex addresses the challenge of invasive species like zebra mussels, which harm native species by outcompeting them for resources.

Annex 6 – Habitat and Species: This annex focuses on the protection and restoration of habitat and species in the Great Lakes.

Annex 7 – Science: This annex ensures that the scientific knowledge regarding the Great Lakes is easily accessible and utilized to protect and restore the water quality of the Great Lakes.

Annex 8 – Climate Change Impacts: This annex addresses the impact of climate change on the Great Lakes and outlines measures to reduce the impact of climate change on the Great Lakes.

In conclusion, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and its annexes are an essential framework for addressing the complex issues that threaten the health of North America’s great natural resource. The annexes outlined above provide a comprehensive guide for policymakers, regulators, and stakeholders to understand the challenges faced by the Great Lakes and work towards their protection and restoration.