This Is an Agreement to Supply Goods for a Definite Price and at Us

When it comes to supply agreements, there are several key components that must be included in order to ensure that both parties are clear on the terms and expectations of the transaction. One such component is the price and delivery terms, which outline the cost of the goods being supplied and the conditions under which they will be delivered.

In particular, the phrase “this is an agreement to supply goods for a definite price and at us” is a clear and concise way of stating these terms. Let`s break down what each part of this phrase means and why it`s important.

“Agreement to supply goods” – This phrase establishes that both parties have agreed to a transaction where one will provide goods to the other. This is a crucial first step in any supply agreement, as it sets the stage for the rest of the terms.

“For a definite price” – Here, we see that the cost of the goods being supplied is set in stone. This gives both parties clarity and ensures that there are no surprises down the line. It`s important to note that the price should also include any applicable taxes, fees, or shipping costs.

“And at us” – This final part of the phrase refers to the delivery terms of the agreement. Specifically, it means that the goods will be delivered to the buyer by the seller. This is important to clarify, as it eliminates any confusion about who is responsible for getting the goods to their final destination.

As a professional, it`s important to note that including this phrase in your supply agreement can have benefits beyond just clarity and transparency. Specifically, its concise nature and use of keywords such as “definite price” and “delivery terms” can help improve the SEO of your document.

In summary, “this is an agreement to supply goods for a definite price and at us” is a clear and effective way to establish the price and delivery terms in a supply agreement. By including this phrase in your document, you can ensure that both parties are on the same page and improve your SEO in the process.