Sag New Media Performer Contract

As a performer in the entertainment industry, it is crucial to understand the intricacies of your contract in order to protect your interests and ensure fair compensation for your work. This is especially true when it comes to new media, where the landscape is constantly evolving and traditional contracts may not always apply.

One important contract to be aware of is the Sag New Media Performer Contract. SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) is the union that represents performers in the entertainment industry. The Sag New Media Performer Contract is specifically tailored for performers working in new media, which includes content created for the internet, mobile devices, social media platforms, and other digital distribution channels.

The Sag New Media Performer Contract provides performers with the same protections and benefits as traditional SAG-AFTRA contracts, including health and pension benefits, residuals, and protection against unfair treatment or discrimination. It also sets minimum rates of pay and working conditions for performers, ensuring that they are fairly compensated for their work.

One of the key provisions of the Sag New Media Performer Contract is the definition of “new media production.” This includes any production that is intended for initial exhibition on new media platforms, regardless of whether it is later distributed through other channels. It is important for performers to understand this definition in order to determine if their work falls under the Sag New Media Performer Contract.

The contract also includes provisions for the use of a performer’s likeness and image in new media productions. This includes the right to use a performer’s name, voice, and likeness in marketing and promotion of the new media production. It is important for performers to negotiate these provisions carefully to ensure that they have control over how their image and likeness are used.

Another important aspect of the Sag New Media Performer Contract is the definition of “made for new media productions.” This includes productions that are created specifically for new media platforms and are not intended for other distribution channels. Performers should be aware of this distinction, as it can affect their compensation and residuals.

Overall, the Sag New Media Performer Contract is an important tool for performers working in new media. It provides them with essential protections and ensures that they are fairly compensated for their work. It is important for performers to understand the contract and negotiate its provisions carefully in order to protect their interests and ensure a successful career in the entertainment industry.